On a rooftop, the General meets with Niobe and her followers, offering her the key to the cheat codes his commandos have obtained from the Machines. He tells her the cheat codes will give them powers beyond their wildest dreams. But when he tosses the key to Niobe, Anome makes a grab for it, and the key falls to the streets below, landing on a van that speeds it away.
Anome noted the Van’s license plate number before it was out of sight. Anome forms a plan and quickly sends one of his operatives to the Machines’ Transportation Department, where bluepill license plate records are stored. Anome figures the Machines won’t mind if they “borrow” a little information if it’s for a good cause. The owner of the van is traced to the Achan, but the owner reveals that members of the Bells gang broke in to the van and stole the key. The Bells subsequently lost the key, apparently to the Crossbones gang.
Merovingian operatives are also seeking the key to the cheat codes, but after tracking down the location of the van, arrive too late as the Bells have already taken it. After investigating a complex turn of events, the Exile Silver is found to know the location of the key, claiming that it is tucked away in a construct. Silver wants to broker a deal with the Merovingian: bring him the case with the cheat code vials, and he'll bring the key to the case, and they can split the contents. However, an attempt to retrieve the case from Zion fails, as the case has already been moved.
The Machines are eager to retrieve the case with the vials, and include Kalt Corporation in the investigation, since they manufactured the case for them. Kalt Corporation provides a code sample to Machine operatives so that the case can be tracked down. Their code scanner leads them to a building, encountering members of the Bell gang who also seek to regain the key. Although the key is not at the current location, the Machine operatives thoroughly scan the location to find a clue as to where the key could be. After further investigation, including meeting with the Oracle, Machine operatives discover that the key is in a construct thanks to Silver.The Machines begin to devise a way to obtain the key...
Zion operatives storm through several Crossbones cell locations, but subsequently come up empty regarding the key. After following up on some leads, they discover that Silver has the key.
Zion command believes that the Machines have new data on the key, and order operatives to infiltrate a Cypherite base that is known to have Machine contacts. After attacking the base, the intel they discover there reveals that the key has reentered the Matrix. The trail leads them to Silver and his bodyguards. After taking down the bodyguards, Silver has no choice but to give up the key. It is taken to Zion guards for safekeeping.
As the Machines prepare to crack the security code to the key's construct, they hear word that the key is back in the Matrix. Machine operatives are able to pin down the location of the key and storm it, only to find the key is in Zion's hands. l The General meets with Zion operatives, informing them that the Machines have marked the Commandos and himself for extermination for stealing the vials. The Commandos will keep a low-profile and take a lesser part in the crusade against the Merovingian. Zion operatives are called away from the meeting to the location of the team that has the key, who are under attack by Merovingian forces. After defeating them, Zion operatives obtain the key from Anome and transport it to Niobe, who will keep it safe.
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